Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Chores Board

Each year as school starts, Blackwifeo decides we need to be like normal families and should each do chores. Each year as school starts, Blackwifeo calls a family meeting and we negotiate who exactly is going to do what. Every year as school starts, Blackwifeo makes a "chores board" and places it strategically in plain view somewhere in the common area. Every year the chores are done for about a week.

Here is last year's board:

Some important details to note. Blackpetero, being unfortunately absent during the meeting, ended up with only the "Fri + Sat Kitchen". Blacksono who's chores have remained constant for the last five years, takes out the garbage, changes light bulbs and "waters flowers" (which I don't believe he did once). Blacknephewo (Stevedore, the house boy) did the recycling, fed cats and changed the water on the machine. Blackdaughtero, had many, many smaller chores, of which she expertly avoided. Blackwifeo, as ever, did the most and spent last year cooking and cleaning every moment of every day and would like you to know that Blackfamilyo works like a well oiled machine. This board has been hanging around the lounge for quite a while, and while it was often underfoot, we have managed to ignore it.

This year's board is a lot more compact:
Its divided out by individual and as I was not able to avoid the meeting I ended up as tech chair and having to do ALL the dishes. Blackdaughtero and I have a dishes based partnership, I wash, she puts away, this is going to be interesting. We have one person less in the house this year and so we all have more to do. The recycling is always problematic, as glass beer bottles need to be returned to the supermarket, something we seldom do - so it's not on the list. Now you have been introduced, I am sure I will be returning to this chores list often in the future. Ahh, so many possible posts, so little time.

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