Sunday, August 31, 2008

Dishwashers of the World, Unite!

I have had enough, enough I tell you. My primary chore in the blackhomeo, is doing the dishes (my role as Tech Chair, is secondary). And I demand excellence. Its bad enough that we have an Italian dishwashing machina, that would rather sit around all day drinking espressos while watching Barca play soccer than do its real job. Everything that is not completely clean before it goes in, comes out with the detritus baked in. So, its all on my shoulders. And all I ask is for, is the right tool for the job.

Kindly cast your eyes upwards. On the top row are all the assorted crap that blackwifeo, the official Director of Procurement for blackhomeo, has amassed. They are all rubbish! The only tool worth its salt for cleaning the burned pots, egg-congealed beaters, flour encrusted mixers and month old dishes from blacksono's room are the golden mesh covered sponges in the foreground (marked with a check mark, my 'shopping skills are improving). They are perfect, they fit in your hand comfortably, and provide enough surface area that you can put your whole shoulder into the clean. But, I had to beg for these. I had to go down on my knees to finally convince blackwifeo that without these dish cleaning is cruel and unusual punishment.

Thank god (baruch hashem) this problem is now fixed and I can scour away in peace. Its all about the tools.

p.s. Blackwifeo was asked to add pictures of the finished coffee table. I have posted these at the end of The Table entry.


joch said...

You are officially addicted. In August your rate was higher than a post a day. A caffeine replacement?

blackpetero said...

When I'm as good as Kelley, I will stop.

Jozie said...

Kelley is fuckin Awesome. biatch!

blackpetero said...

Tell her, not us.

Sunshine said...

If I dug around under my sink, I could probably amass a pile like that as well. Sheesh, that's a lot of scrubbie!!