Monday, August 11, 2008

Arcade Fire

Once again its Tuesday and its time to deliver on my "music video of the week". At the moment I believe the Arcade Fire is the sh1t. These days in my misery, I hate live shows in Israel, and pretty much refuse to go see any of the (usually geriatric) moth eaten artists that deem to tour our "war ravaged" part of the world. But, if the Arcade Fire visited I would most definitely be there. These guys enjoy playing live and put on a great show. The video below is from Reading 2007. The song is Neighborhood #2 (Laika), which is one of my all time favorites of theirs and captures just how dynamic their music is. Come on, give it a click:

There is a whole lot of Arcade Fire stuff on YouTube, most of it crappy quality, shot on some fools cell phone. This version of Intervention from Glastonbury 2007 (I sure hope Scarlet was there, although I could not see her in the crowd), is excellent, and Regine Chassagne's voice, which sometimes comes across screechy when live, is nicely balanced. But, the real gem, in my opinion, is this wonderful film school project video, made with permission from the band. Most comments say its better than the real video, which I have never seen, so if you find a link to it, pass it on.


Anonymous said...

Try this one :


blackpetero said...

I saw this, but did not believe that it was the real thing. But, on further inspection it seems it is. Its pretty cool. Thanks anonymous squint.

Anonymous said...

theirs drums don't have colors on them , not to mention the guitar is missing the 4 buttons ... clearly a fake .

never the less an interesting clip. i am a sucker for instrumental with a modern kick , thanks for the clip.

blackpetero said...

Both their full length albums, Funeral and Neon Bible are worth owning.

Anonymous said...

Oops. How on /earth/ did I miss that?