Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Meir Ariel

I have been coming into work pretty early for the last few weeks. I enjoy the peace and squint-free quiet. A big advantage is that I can do my work with the music as loud as I like. Yesterday, iTunes chose to play me the collected disks of "Meir Ariel". He was an outstanding poet and his album "Shiri Hag Umoed Venofel" is, in my mind, the best Israeli record of all time. I was studying at the Technion when it came out and I went to see him in a tiny hall in Haifa, with some of the guys from dorms. When we got back they sat with the album and translated it word for word for me. I still get shivers when I hear "Erol". Unfortunately, Meir Ariel died in July 1999 from Mediterranean Spotted Fever transmitted by a flea bite. He was only 57 at the time and is greatly missed.

Now, there are not many videos of Meil Ariel worth watching. Here is "Terminal Lament" played live, to gives you a taste. I quite like the video for "Get In The Car, Already". My current favorite song of his is BeTzaharei HaYom, which contains the classic line which loosely translated goes "Hey Hey, all that really matters, is a cold drink in the heart of the desert" (it loses a lot in the translation). The only half way decent version of the song on YouTube is a live version by David Broza, who while being an accomplished guitarist needs a slap from time to time. Here it is.

The real version, with Meir Ariel and David Broza together, but with no video, can be heard here.

1 comment:

Jozie said...

I totally love Terminal Lament. It has the most amazing words- for the non English speakers, it is song about a getting out of an asylum and going to chill out at the airport, watching the planes take off and land. Totally mad. I have never seen this live version. It's different from the recording.
Now note the difference between David Broza's chirpy happy looking band, and Meir Ariel's miserable bunch. I suppose you can't look too happy singing a song like that.
thanks for posting.