Thursday, March 19, 2009

There's No Peace For The Wicked

It seems it's not enough to spend the week taking computers apart and putting them together again. I have to do this in my free time as well. Bno arrived back from his visit to the homeland (Texas) and his suitcases, unlike mine, were not filled with potions and lotions (seems they did not arrive in time), rather they were bursting with the various computer components bso spent his summer earnings on. This thing is a monster. Its got the latest Intel processor, a graphics card a professional gamer can be proud of, high speed memory and a SERIOUS fan. Check it out.
The fan has an eerie blue glow and is as big as a breadbox. The boy is so happy, he can now overclock. He would not let me rest until we had the machine up and running. Right now he is sitting in his room putting the machine through its paces. Not bad, it only took about three hours, start to finish. It does not take much to make the boy happy.

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