Sunday, September 21, 2008


S-o-r-r-y I a-m d-e-a-d t-i-r-e-d, m-u-s-t b-e j-e-t-l-a-g. F-e-el c-o-m-p-el-l-e-d t-o p-u-t d-a-s-h-e-s b-e-t-w-e-e-n l-e-t-t-e-r-s. W-i-l-l p-o-s-t i-n t-h-e m-o-r-n-i-n-g.

O.K. I'm back after a few hours sleep. Its 5am now and I would leave for my walk in the hills, but its still pitch black outside and I might get eaten by bears. I read somewhere that one of the most successful techniques for jetlag avoidance is being outside to watch the sunrise and sunset. It's supposed to reset your biological clock. Its never really worked for me, but it is nice to see the world of change that a bit of light can bring. Yesterday morning, I woke just as the sky was getting some faint color, I walked up into the foothills and watched as the trees and the hills became more defined in the light. Not a car passed, and the stars were very bright. It was chilly enough that I could not stand still for too long and after about an hour my fingers began to ache (I'm an amateur when it comes to cold), but it was magical. Why did we ever leave here? After stopping in "downtown" Los Altos for coffee to warm my hands, I trekked on back home, avoiding the swarms of early morning cyclists that flow around every corner on a Sunday. Most are done up in these uniforms, just like Tour de France teams, heads down concentrating on pumping up the inclines. I need to find out what this whole cycling team stuff is all about, its a little to "lets play at being cycling pros shall we" and there are quite a few too many scary bulges of fat pushing out the too tight spandex.

Then I headed off to Target to go buy a 110v converted for my cell charger - someone "borrowed" mine and failed to return it (if I find out who, there will be blood on the HaMenofim street). Its not the same without Blackwifeo. The store was still quiet and sparklingly clean, it was quite joyful. But, I miss Blackwifeo. While I can appreciate America's consumer bounty, its much more fun to see these stores through Blackwifeo's eyes. Its a kind of religious experience for her (a temple of shopping). I could move back here, easily.

I met friends for lunch and dinner and got caught up on the lives some of the people we knew when we lived here. I ate way too much. Alex and Elaine took me to a great new Vietnamese restaurant on Castro street (called Xhan, I think). Their hot and sour soup was excellent with big bits of sauteed tofu, fresh pineapple and some Vietnamese type of broad celery stalk. I had a great time with both sets of friends, but Blackwifeo was missing.

I suppose its not surprising I miss her when I am away, we have been together for well over 25 years now. When I'm traveling and she is not around its like going through the world with one eye shut. Its not only that I miss 50% but in addition she adds the extra stereoscopic depth that having two eyes open provides. Enough of this, or she will think I need her.

The sky is getting slightly lighter, I going out for my walk. So that's yesterday's post completed.


Yuval said...

You are ready for microblogging...

Anonymous said...

i think from now own the use of l33t speak is allowed.

Jozie said...

aaawwwww thank you, blackpetero, for waxing so poetic. I miss you too.
maybe now is the time for me to let you know the bad news about the "new" washing machine- jonathan 2. David the Maytag Man just left after being here for 6 hours.
no? you dont want to hear this? ok.
.....and i miss target, and super marshalls- that goes without saying, i even miss wallgreens. and borders and chipotles ...........

Marc said...


Anonymous said...

You two are sooooo sweet.
Don't forget that while reading Jo's post :)
