Friday, September 26, 2008

Politics as Usual

So there's a lot of politics going on in America. Wall Street wants a $700 billion dollar rescue package, Washington Mutual set the record for the biggest bank to ever go under, and Sarah Palin, was interviewed by Katie Couric. I watched this going down, and had one of those moments where you are so embarrassed for someone that you have to look away. This woman will be the president of the US should anything happen to McCain if he is elected. She has not a clue. The interview shows her to be completely out of her depth. This is a small snippet on foreign relations with Russia. Its like watching a train wreck.
If you insist on torturing yourself here are both part one and part two of the interview.

Between the noise and the babies watched the first debate between Obama and McCain tonight. Its getting scary here in America. With the economy in a shambles and a foreign policy that has alienated most of the world, the US had better change. Obama seems like the only choice, McCain smells of business as usual. Lost of people seem to agree, but we will have to wait and see.

While driving around Northern California I saw hundreds, if not thousands of Obama/Biden bumper stickers, posters, yard signs and flags. I never once saw a single McCain sticker anywhere. I expected to see a whole lot more McCain stickers on cars here in Houston, but I did not. Blacknephewpaulo says its because people here are afraid what will happen to their cars if they advertise Republican. But its apparent there are many people who simply will not vote for a black man. I heard on CNN that on a current poll 5% of those polled nationwide would not vote for a black. And these were people who were not shy of telling this over the phone to the pollster.

I wonder if we are looking at the end of the American empire. The next few weeks and months will be interesting. Don't worry America, Israel can bail you out. Just send word and we will bring all the humus you can eat.

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