Sunday, July 4, 2010

Welcome Zachary Bennett

My family is rather small so it is great news that yesterday, Paul and Carrie brought Zachary Bennett into the world. Out of nine males it looks like the continuation of our family name rests on the shoulders of four or so (assuming I counted correctly and Paul, Edwin and Phillip stop producing). So no pressure guys - it's up to Doron, Gilad, Ben and Zachary to keep up the name. Unless of course the young ladies in our family decide to keep their last name then we would have six more candidates. This is one of the things that keep me up at night.

So congratulations, Paul and Carrie, your children are lucky to have such parents. I look forward to seeing you guys soon.


arnieo said...

Exciting times in the Houston branch of the family. When I first learned the name of my new grandson I was so moved that I got the spelling of his middle name incorrect it is Bennett. I visited him this morning and he was alert and ready for his dad to take him to a Nascar event.

Jozie said...

He is so sweet.. Looks exactly like Pauli. Mazal Tov guys.

oliviao said...

ZBO Jr is too cute - Carly has already adopted the nickname Zachy...She thinks he's a breathing, moving baby doll...just wait!