Sunday, December 13, 2009


I'm terrible. On days that I walk to work I just get so hungry that I eat all sorts of junk. I was pretty good until I got home this evening. I ate some leftovers for supper and then got stuck into three quarters of a tube of jalapeno Pringles, some Hannukah gelt and then chewy candies. The thing is that I can justify it to myself because I did some exercise today - of course, I burned nowhere near as much calories and I just consumed. Horrible. Now I am going to have to drink two liters of water just to cover the huge MSG thirst I have just worked up. What's more I just a referral for a blood test to check my high triglycerides. Agggg. (The chips were good though - and it's only days till I can eat real Texan chips - the good life).

Way to go Houston Texas. They elected their first openly gay mayor. Congratulations Annise Parker.


Steve Kroser said...,8599,1914857,00.html

oliviao said...

We never cease to amaze ourselves - Annise Parker has put years of service in to Houston and thoroughly deserves the position of mayor! She has been with her partner for 19 years and they have 2 kids - sounds pretty conservative to me!!(She is a Democrat though, just in case you think that the Republicans have co-opted the word conservative!)

blackpetero said...

What is more important is that she is a Rice grad.