Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Big Fun

I took a day off work today and hit the Tel Aviv University Library. I have a paper to finish. I had a brilliant time. Its quite expensive if you are a non-student - 16 sheks to park and 30 sheks for the day in the library, but worth every cent (or rather agurah). There is no internet, bad A/C and not the most comfortable of chairs, but there are books - millions of them. Oh, and a whole lot of quiet and a place to plug in one's laptop. You have to check your bag into a locker in the lobby and they give you a supermarket basket for your laptop and books (see the blue one I used in the picture above - I have noticed they have stopped having these in the supermarkets around here, but that's a subject for another blog). They had most of the books I needed. Did you know that putting together a bibliography takes as long as actually writing the paper? I had forgotten that.

I enjoyed every minute and the hours flew by as I pulled more and more books out the stacks. I left quite a pile. I think I have all the data I need and have done most of the writing. I'm 300 words over the 3000 word requirement, so some serious editing still needs to happen. There is no place better to work than in a library. So the big question is why's education wasted on the young?

1 comment:

oliviao said...

I LOVED graduate school, especially the library - can't say the same about undergraduate even though I went to the most beautiful University in the world!Enjoy!