Monday, July 7, 2008


I came upon two quotes in the last two days that I think are very interesting. The first, by Henry David Thoreau "Men have become the tools of their tools" is extremely relevant to all us squints working in the computer industry. When I was a kid I was promised that computers would make our lives simple. We would have more free time, more leisure hours to waste away happily in the pursuit of pleasure. Well that didn't quite happen. In the end we have indeed become tools of our tools. Spending hours in front of a boring screen, we interact with our world through a keyboard.

The second quote comes from Will Durant in his book, "The Lessons of History" (highly recommended read, or listen), "The men who can manage men manage men who can manage only things, and the men who can manage money manage all.” Being a manager of people is nothing compared to being a manager of money. So listen all you blackchildreno, become bankers.


Dylan Ohh said...

Very moving blackfathero. However, this message might be a little late to all of us hard working squints. 2th grade IR will not help me being a banker, neither will AP computer science in the 10th grade will help blacksoneo. I assume that we are just doomed to live a moneyless, pill popping life simmilar to yours...poor us.
Aaah the children of today.

Dylan Ohh said...

*12th grade IR will not help me BECOME a banker.

blackpetero said...

International Relations will so help you become a banker. You can blackdaughtero certainly be anything you want to be.