Wednesday, July 30, 2008


It seems I'm nasty. Today was meeting three of English Speaking Weight Watchers of Raanana (ESWWR - or 'E Swear for short). The blackfamilyo members lost in total 1.7Kg - not bad considering the weekend humus in Jeru and the Monday night trip to Segev (high profile chef's restaurant). This meeting consisted of the usual blah, blah, treat yourself well, blah blah, give yourself treats (but not food), blah, blah, boring, boring. When finally, our "leader" decided we had been punished enough, and she let us out, after all of us mentally swearing that we had better be good so we can look forward to a life without WW.

At this point, one of the lovely ladies (remember its all ladies, but me), asked if anyone was going to "the center", and could she please get a ride. Of course, blackwifeo jumps up and enthusiastically trusts her hand in the air, "aww please can we can take you", "can we". Now as it happens we were not going near the center of town, rather to blackinlawo's, where the Renault Mizbeleh was vacationing, as their car was in the shop for a well deserved rest. I "gently" reminded blackwifeo of these facts. I stood strong in the Medusa Look (turns unsuspecting spouses into stone), and lo and behold some other WWatcher volunteered her services. (This is exactly how it happened, I have the video, no exaggeration).

What is so interesting here is that our intrepid leader had just concluded the meeting on how we need to learn to say NO every now and then. I never realized this meant only saying NO to your husband. So all the way to the car I was shat upon from a dizzy height, finally, she came to a realization - "You're just Nasty!"
I seem to recall that in the old days I was just grumpy, but now I've moved up a rung on the discontentment ladder and I'm nasty. Excellence in any form, that's what I believe in.


Jozie said...

Dear nastyblackpetero,

In my defense, I did amend my statement to say that you were not really all that nasty, just too bloody cynical for the rest of us normal human beings living on this planet.

lots of love,

Anonymous said...

very funny nbp.
love the post.
love always,