Thursday, June 19, 2008


Its been a while since I reinvented myself. I used to believe that this was very important. Back in the old days, we would not live for very long in any one house. I moved from SA to Israel (Haifa, Jerusalem, Raanana - then got married), we moved to the US (Texas - two kids, California), and we have now been here for 8 years, in the same house, same country, pretty much the same work. I often dream of elsewhere, but in truth (as much as I complain) I am not unhappy here and can wait till the kids finish school and go out on their own. So what reinvention, what shoes.

All the inspiring stuff I have been listening to is forcing me to really start believing than perhaps I am a smidgen too cynical and a touch too judgmental (right!). Maybe pessimism is not the best outlook for a happy and complete life. So the question is, can I reinvent a kinder, gentler blackpetero (starting say with a graypetero before we try any bright colors)? Its a scary thought as I am not sure I could actually like this new person - thats just how broken I am.


oliviao said...

Hmmm, grist for the psychotherapy mill...

blackpetero said...

So when is my next appointment?