Friday, June 20, 2008

The Buffet Table

People are at their most annoying at the buffet table. Yesterday I was punished for my sins and was dragged to a noon wedding. It was hot. It was outside. The family of the bride are good people and I truly wish the bride and groom the best, but this is the 2000s and air conditioning is usually an obtainable goal. Anyway, I need to stop now or else blackwifeo's family will never talk to me again.

Back to the buffet table. What is it with people? They wait in line for the food (more or less, this is Israel after all), then when they finally get to the spread, they stop like all the sheep before them, and ponder. For gods sake, look at the food while you are waiting infinitely in line, decide between the lettuce salad or the spinach salad before you get there - lets face it, you are going to have both anyway. Why do people have to stop and contemplate whether they want the rice stuffed peppers or the marrows and quinoa? You see their brains slowly working: "Hmm, food, now what do I want to eat here? Where's the beef, OK I don't recognize anything, perhaps if I do nothing for a while the good food will show up". These people are not concentrating, don't they know that the only pleasure left in life is food?

At least it was a dairy wedding. There was lots of (not great) vegetarian food. I heard the salmon was either overcooked or raw, and then they ran out of plates.

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