Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Close the Bleedin Door (mufher)

One interesting improvement in Israel over much of the western world are the toilets. Yes, believe it or not, they do a pretty good job here(O.K. I am not sure that Israel would win any "loo of the year awards"). In Israel, most toilet stalls are built as floor to ceiling enclosures with opaque wooden doors. None of that crappy, half hight raised Formica, ill-fitting, sound amplifying excuse for a toilet stall so popular in the U.S. No! in Israel we have closed off stalls usually made from concrete, each individual, each stand alone. So far so good.

But, recently, I have noticed a disturbing phenomenon. My stomach is rather active (perhaps its the vast amounts of vegetable matter I consume), this along with drinking two liters of water daily to replenish my arid body's loss of fluids to the desert we live in means I visit the toilet more than most. Here at work, it seems there is a growing trend to go into a stall, half close the door and then do you business. Guys, I know you are busy, but please, close the bleeding door and lock it. There is nothing worse than walking into the toilets, selecting a stall, pushing on a mostly closed door only to find someone standing over the toilet. This is as bad as barging into the elevator without waiting for the people inside to go out. O Yes, and wash your hands after. Thanks.

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