Sunday, June 29, 2008

Gamers Anonymous

I have already posted today, but I could not pass on this picture. Blacksono has spent the weekend hard at work on "City of Heroes". He actually cleaned out his room yesterday, so this is one night and a day's detritus.Just look at the junk food. There are two big bottles of Sprite, Doritos, Manat Shef (Ramen Noodles, Israeli style), cookies and most importantly, deodorant. Its incredible. Blacksono is a good boy, 100% gamer, and has been working along with the squints four days a week, but has to have Sunday off because Saturday night is the "big match up" on City of Heroes. He has only been out of his room twice today, for food.


Yuval said...

sgi keyboard...

blackpetero said...

Only the best for the offspring

Anonymous said...

Everyone has addictions ,
choose yours carefully .

Anonymous said...

..that's not City of Heroes. Trust me, I'd know. I hate to break it to you, but your son is cheating on CoX with another game. Take him in hand immediatley.

Nice blog, though.

blackpetero said...

Hey Scarlet
Blacksono told me that he was actually playing "gunz online", but I refuse to deal with any game that uses a "z" for an "s". I read all your reports on Glastonbury last night. Wow. Interesting stuff. But, man, Neil Diamond is scary. Do you have a regular sort of daily blog like thing?

Anonymous said...

Thank you for wading through the Glastonbury blog, it was really nice of you.

I don't really keep a blog (I have one on Myspace that I update about once every never) - I just don't usually have that many thoughts :)

And yes, Neil Diamond was a bit scary. Stalking him was sort of fun, though.