Wednesday, December 22, 2010

De Family

Houston is all about family. I am very lucky. Last night was blacknephewo's birthday celebration. He was actually born on Christmas Day, but he is leaving Houston tomorrow for Dallas, so we celebrated last night. My sister put on an excellent feast as usual and once again I ate too much. Almost all the family is in town. E+L and kids from Albany, CA, bno newly situated in Cleveland, OH there is us from Raanana, and all the rest from Houston, TX (we are missing G+S and kids from Dallas). There are lots of kids and happy grandparents, and the houses are filled with laughter and noise.
My mother with little Zach, currently the youngest of the brood. There are more on the way though.
The birthday boy and Ben playing with Lego. Stevie was always the Lego king and the new generation definitely has the the building gene.
Grandmothers, Great-Grandmothers, Mothers and some of the kids. Very cool indeed.

1 comment:

oliviao said...

We are so lucky - kein ein harah, pooh, pooh, pooh!