Sunday, October 12, 2008

Who's Crisis Is Bigger

The current world financial crisis is a worry. I was relieved when I heard European leaders were meeting in France to figure out how to deal. Over the last few days I have become increasingly alarmed at their reaction. In all the press coverage of the meeting, all I see is Sarkozy boasting about the size of his manhood. "Iz zis beeeg, Carla looves zit". First, see his outrageous claim (check out how overcome Merkel is, Gordon Brown on the top right is outraged: "These Frenchmen, always exaggerating").Now here you see Merkel explaining to Sarkozy that even though his is "that" big, her husband Ulrich, is huge in the German sense of the word.Later, after the rest of Europe threatened France with having to pay Iceland's tab, Sarkozy was forced to admitted the truth:

1 comment:

Georg said...

Hallo Blackie,

I fear you misunderstodk the conversation between Sarko and Angela.

She explains the size of her husband's but he answers by giving her the diameter of his own.
