Thursday, October 16, 2008

Shutup Beavis!

I feel pretty sure that if finally, I talk about them at this time, I won't put the evil eye on my headaches. They're all but gone. Its a miracle I tell you. My new neurologist prescribed 40mg of Deralin, an old timey beta blocker that's known to be a migraine prophylactic, about three months back and since then, its a whole new me. We are talking quality of life here folks. I could not go two days without a migraine at the beginning of summer. Now I don't remember the last time I took a migraine pill. I've had headaches, like a normal person I get them occasionally, but they go away on their own. Sometimes I take two Tylenol. Before Deralin, the last time Tylenol worked for my head was probably thirty years back, in high school.

I had to give up caffeine as part of the cure. It was hard for a few days, but I got over it fast. Now, when I occasionally feel weary of an afternoon, I can take a shot of espresso and I'm zooming for hours. Today, I was feeling really bushed, I've actually had to work this week. So around 3pm I had a double shot of Lavazza. The single looked so small and miserable in the cup, so I added another capsule. I'm still buzzing and its 7 hours later. Like the Great Cornholio, I've been walking around with my shirt over my head, arms bent skywards, looking for TP.