Friday, October 10, 2008

We Are In Cahoots.

This evening blackwifeo and I went to a school related meeting. This was really a blackwifeo meeting where she was representing parents, being a big shot in the PTA and all. I went with just to watch. As the meeting got underway it became crystal clear that I would have to shut up and stay out of the discussion. This was very very difficult for me. There were a number of times I wanted to jump up and shout, No! not that way, this way. So I used my psychokinetic powers and transmitted my thoughts over to her. She got them, I swear. Every time I would have said anything, she, in her infinitely sweet way made the exact point I would have (but much nicer). It was amazing.

So it looks like we have lived together for long enough that we now react as one in similar situations. It was the total opposite of feeling lonely. I guess that's feeling completely connected (or in cahoots). It was amazing, I will say it again.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

to get jaleous!! how can a guy be so romantic! can you teach my husband??