Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Jo here posting Tunes for Tuesday.
Petero has had an exceptionally exhausting day, what with waking up at 5am, slaving away all day at the salt mines and attending a squints wedding on the other side of the country. He then rushed back to pick me up just in time for my 10pm CT scan appointment in Tel Aviv. Just got home. Whew.

So as a favor, I am posting for him. Poor baby. I've decided on Placebo featuring David Bowie. This live video is crap, but the song is awesome.
So here it is - Without You I'm Nothing.

PS: This song was background for a super hot scene in the U.S series of Queer As Folk (episode 219 if anyone is interested- Brian and Jason doing it in the shower.) Tick Tock.

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