Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Smart Strays

There are some decent people around. I noticed when I get to the University early in the morning, some kind soul has always put out food for the cats. There are hundreds of strays that wander around the TA University campus. Sometimes they join the classes, sometimes actually asking better questions than many of the students. These are some of the smartest cats in the world, you know.

I'm always amazed at how many people are actually terrified of cats here. There are so many stray cats wondering around Israel. They mostly keep their fighting to themselves and stay out of the way of the humans. The screeching at night can get old though. I have also noticed that there are much fewer really scrawny and hungry looking strays these days. People all over seem to take care of the strays in their area. I see many people bring cat food onto campus to feed the strays there. I think it's nice.

We do our bit feeding the poor homeless of Rehov HaNevel. Our strays only like the good stuff, 100NIS a bag, nothing but the best for the cats of Raanana.

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