Friday, October 2, 2009

The Embassy

We went to the US Embassy this morning. We had an appointment for 9am by it was past 11:30 by the time we were done. It was horrid. When you hear me complain about the Misrad Hapnim (Israeli Interior Ministry) you have permission to slap me upside the ear. All we needed to do was renew bwo and my passport and get an new US passport for the girl as her's expired. Now seeing as we are US citizens one would think it would be a breeze to just pop in and do your thing. Nothing is further from reality. Firstly you are not allowed to take anything in with you. You need to check your phone and all other things except your wallet and papers into the place next door that rents cubicles just for this. Then you go in and wait. They tell you nothing. You have no idea if someone is actually going to deal with you or not. It seems it all goes by the appointment you booked online a few months back. They just assume you are there. Well 9am came and went, we were finally called to the first window and spoke with a particularly grumpy woman who took our papers, told us to pay (a mere $235) and then to wait. Finally after a long wait we got to see the vice consul for 2 minutes and then we were free.

The only interesting thing that happened was an old Eastern European man who went ballistic trying to get his social security check. He ranted and raved while the woman behind the glass patiently told him there was nothing she could do and that it would arrive in two weeks. Finally security "escorted" him from the building.

Even the breakfast we had after we were finally free was crappy. Not a winner of a morning at all. I think I will write my congressman.

1 comment:

oliviao said...

I wonder what it would have been like to get your SA passports renewed?? We tried to find out a few years going into a vacuum!!