Sunday, August 23, 2009


Thursday night we went to a birthday party as we did Friday night (in Gedera). Saturday night we had the school's welcome for the staff and others. The one thing these parties had in common (besides the fact I wanted to go to none) was the heat. Now everyone here complains about the heat. Everyone says that August is the worst. And everyone says this is the worst August they remember. Each of those night's I was dripping sweat and it's not as if I did anything strenuous, just sitting around. The air is so thick and humid, even breathing is hard work. I hate this part of the summer.

All I have been doing is going to parties and dripping sweat, oh and studying. I am loving my course, although there is a lot of reading, some of which is rather repetitive - I am learning. So, apologies for the rather lame blog postings of late, but till I get into the swing of things with the studies, the blog will suffer. Soon I will be back at my full 80%.

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