Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Parking Lot

Every morning I wake up around 5am, shave and dress, take blackroxyo for a walk, give her breakfast and head off to squint central. I usually arrive before 6. The roads are quiet. In summer the morning is deliciously cool and softly lit, in winter coming over the Folsom ridge I see the twinkling lights of Sac in the distance. It's not horrible.

After fifteen to twenty minutes drive, while listening to whatever audiobook is currently in my queue, I arrive. It's that drive into the parking lot that makes me question my life choices each morning. No matter where, it's always the same each morning. Going back as far as working at TI and the huge parking lot in Stafford, TX, on to the open lot outside SGI bld. 7 in Mountain View, to the covered lot next to Bld. 40, then the sharp turns down the circular parking lot entry on HaMenofim in Herzliya to parking near the elevators in Yakum, then having to unlock the parking lot and front doors in Egham, to today and parking each morning in the shade of bld 5.

My heart longs for parking in a forest, or next to a beach or maybe driving down a twisty tree covered road, or up a steep path to a spot with a 360 degree view of the world. It's that damned pay cheque that comes twice a month that keeps me driving into the same old lot each morning. At least I get in early enough to always get the same spot.

Today's photo is of a sunset. They are nice this time of year. This is from outside the front door.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"I believe I can see the future
'Cause I repeat the same routine"

Trent Reznor