Sunday, January 12, 2014

A New Toy

Yet Another Hamsa by Jo

O.K. I'll admit it, I love my iPad Air. I finally took my hand off my heart and ordered and iPad. It was waiting for me when I arrived here in Houston. What a lovely toy. I got an Otterbox cover so it's durable and hardy.

I'm having a great time here in the bosom of my family. Unfortunately, it's nearly over as tomorrow morning I'm off to California and to work. My mom is doing great. 90 years old and still walking around without any help. The weather is great. All that is missing is bwo. I always miss her so much when I travel, and really, while it's nice, an iPad is no substitute.


Jozie said...

Awwwww. Love and miss you to. I've started a tangle if Gigi's cat dusty. Will email it to you when I'm done. At least it will be a change from all the hamsas.

Jozie said...

Please ignore typos. That's what happens when one uses their phone to post.