Not even India is safe anymore. I don't pretend to know much about Orthodox Judaism, and what I do know usually just seems to reinforce my prejudices, but really, why pick on the Habads. These guys are harmless and all they seem to ever care about is making sure Jewish travelers (and university students) have a place they can get a hot sabbath meal (and Pesach Seder). To single them out and to make a political statement with their murder, just seems out of touch. Its not going to make any difference to anyone. The Habads themselves will not let 8 deaths change their mission and Israeli backpackers will continue to visit India in droves.
Tzipi Livni, our foreign minister, stated today that Jews and Israeli's were specifically targeted in the Mumbai attacks. Well Duh, woman. You think they just stumbled on the Habad house on the way to blowing up a hotel and thought they would stop in for a quick meal. Of course, here in Israel there is a lot of commenting on how had "we" carried out the rescue, there would have been less fatalities. The glory of Entebbe is relived here every time there is an incident overseas.
These guys seemed well trained and focused. They knew what they were doing, and went about their business with efficiency. Gone are the days of old where a terrorist was someone who was refused a place in a regular army. These guys are trained killers. It just makes me feel ill.
Isolated bench
13 hours ago
They were good, good people. Apparently the last person alive wrapped all the bodies in a Talit- prayer shawls- in accordance with proper Jewish burial custom. It's so incredibly sad.
hi pete, read today that the terrorists actually slept over and ate in the house a few days before the incident!!!!
The amazingly uncanny thing is that little baby moshe was saved by his metapelet Sandra, kind of strikes familiar with moshe who was saved on the banks of the Nile !!!
wow, that's so true.
Hi Blacky,
First time I hear anything about those Jews in Bombay except the fact that they were targeted.
Here in France they talk mostly about those nationals who run into trouble same for the Germans killed etc. etc.
All this is naturally a sideline. India is a main target for Islamists; there are dozens of attacks and they have to learn to defend themselves more efficiently.
Hey Avril and Georg. Thanks for responding. I do this blog thing for myself but its very nice to know there are others out there reading my ravings.
Georg I do agree that every country's nationals are really only newsworthy in their own land. But, it does seem clear that the Mumbai terrorists specifically targeted Jews and Israelis. Nothing new there. Ironically many Israeli youth go to India to "unwind" after the stress and pressure of 3 years in the army. It seems to me that terrorism is another of those diseases we will leave for our children to deal with. I suppose the lesson here is, the mess in my daughter's room is nothing compared with the chaos we are leaving in her world?
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