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Way To Go, Blackbrothero
I had it all planned. I've been busy today so I set aside some time once I got home to write my blog. I had planned it all. I was going to go off once again about how Blackwifeo is going to one day be playing a harp in heaven, while I most certainly would be shoveling coal and sweating in the heat down below. I was going to tell how from 6pm - 9pm tonight, she went to pick up her mom, take her to the doctor in Herzliya, waited to give me a ride home, sat in traffic, took her mother home, went to pick up two self-helpless dudes, took them to their self-help meeting, ran an errand for her sister, brought the self-helpless home before getting home herself, and all this with her beautiful, angel-like smile never once fading.
I was then going to go off about how I, blackpetero, came home, irritable after a hard day in the salt mines. Only to find the following on the kitchen table:
I was going to rant and rave, in my usual cynical way about how, surely after I shlepped 51 pounds of potion and lotions all the way across the oceans, she surely had no need for Dr. Fisher Genesis Ultra Care Tri-Moist Moisturizing Cream. I was going to slyly mention that I can see by the receipt that instead of 150NIS it was on sale for the unbeatable price of 90NIS, and wisely point out how blackwifeo can never resist a bargain. I was all into the whole juxtaposing (I have been waiting weeks to use that), of her being sooooo good and big and kind, while I am sooooo bad and mean and picky. When I looked at my phone and noticed blackbrothero has sent me an SMS from Houston.
He texted and I quote "So I got a prius, bright red". My crappy replacement phone had no way of telling me that this SMS was actually sent on Saturday. I immediately called him back. The story so far. Blackbrothero's car, a newish, luxurious and stylish Acura MDX SUV was written off by hurricane Ike while waiting at the airport for his return from narrowboating in the UK. Something about a window open, water inside the car and a ravaged electrical system. So we went car shopping while I was in Houston, something I would only ever do with my favorite brother. We looked at Acuras and Toyotas. He wanted something smaller, but seemed set on a fancy Acura (not an SUV, thank the lord). It seems that over this last weekend he had a change of heart and bought a Prius, even after the sales guy tried so hard to sell us on the fact that a hybrid does not get much better mileage than a Camry. Its true he will not be the first hybrid driver in the blackostrino family. He will be the first to drive a Barcelona Red Metallic one.
Most of you probably think, well, whats the big deal here. Obviously you don't know blackbrothero. He is a pillar of the community. Until Sarah Palin he voted Republican. He drove a Ford Explorer way before they were cool (and then uncool). He wore a tie to work until recently when his company plunged forward into the 19th century. He is the solid, proactive, thinking, rational, balanced, and calm one in the family. So, If big blackbrothero can drive a red Prius, this world is really changing.
Peter dearest. That was not just any jar of moisturizer. It was actually a number 33 spf sunscreen that prevents squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma and other melanomas.
Dandyl on yahoo answers suggests using sunscreen on a daily basis:
To stay protected from the sun I try not to stay outside for more than a half hour a day, unless I’m going to the beach or pool, and then I try to avoid the peak sun hours, and sit in the shade. I always wear sunglasses, and have recently started wearing a hat to the beach. I am obsessed and don’t keep a lot of windows open in the daytime, since UVA rays can penetrate house windows, as well as car windows. Also, certain medications can make you more photo-sensitive, so while you may not normally burn easily, if you’re on Accutane, The Pill, retinoids, or even Benadryl and several other medications, take extra precautions.
See? unless you don't want me to ever leave the house, you should shut up about such necessities.
You should always listen to everyone who posts on yahoo answers. Its a scientific fact.
you idiot.
by the way, bigbrothero's car is very cool.
1- its refreshing that its not black
2- I bet it has a gps
So. Should I now call him barcelonaredbrothero?
Yes I am the proud owner of a Barcelona Red Prius and seeing as I cannot work out how to post a picture in line in a reply here is a link Barcelona Red Prius. I came home after dark so the pictures are somewhat grainy/blurry.
Yes it is not black and it does have navigation and proximity keyless access (which I have yet to figure out), bluetooth and every other bell and whistle you can think of.
Best part of it is that when it is worn in - i.e has the first scratch or two - and the seat is warm and comfy - I get to have it and he gets to pick another cool car!! I never once drove the humongous SUV,(although I love my SMALL SUV) but have already driven the cute and sexy Prius!
A few comments:
- Joan, you should see my Australian parents. Australians that care (there are not that many of them) are fanatical about sun cancer. My parents don't barricade themselves in their house. They're environmentalists so they spend most of their free time hiking. Under the sweltering Australian sun, they wear long-sleeve shirts and long trousers (light UV material), big hats, sunglasses that cover half the face and noses pasted in white cream. They look like they are aliens visiting from another planet. When driving a car, they wear these light-weight UV gloves to protect their hands and arms. If you wanted to make a bit of money, you could provide a postal kit that comes with a full UV protection outfit. Hell, you could even try to make the attire look less alien. Sell it on Yahoo, you'll make a fortune in these paranoid times.
- You guys have no taste in cars. Europe is the only place that knows how to make real cars that also look amazing. If its not Italian or German, you've wasted your money.
You guys are something else. (I mean that in a good way :)
That is totally a girls car.
And your wife, day-um she is making us all look bad.
Oh and Marc, you are an idiot.
Man, I'm on to something here if Kelley commented. Just to remind everyone, Kelley, in my opinion, has the single best blog anywhere on the internetmagnetoboldtoo.
I thought she may get suspended by womanhood for leaving evidence of her lotion and potion obsession around for us males to see. But I figure its punishment enough when she will is lonely in heaven cause all us slightly off people will be partying down below.
Just to make it clear to all Marc drives a Korean made Hyundai i30. Not the most stylish and certainly not European.
prius ....
oh and
hey its better then yahoo answers .
Yeah, I was afraid that Peter would spill the beans. Since I'm an idiot, I don't earn a director's salary, which with the 50% salary tax and the 100% goods tax on cars in Israel makes it impossible for me even contemplate purchasing a better European car :-(
I know I'm an idiot, but when someone calls me an idiot, it wounds, I want to know why, how could I possibly be an idiot!? So I checked out Kelley's blog. One of the adds on her page has a picture of Australia with the inscription "Top 100 Australian Women Bloggers". Shit, my comments about most Australians not caring pissed off one of the top Aussi bloggers. Hmmm. I was hoping to piss off American consumers, but instead I pissed off one of my compatriots. It's actually more satisfying than belittling Americans. And that worries me. Because I'm visiting Australia next year and I can already feel my blood boiling. I suffered some bitter abuse in that country and I thought that all these years of exodus would have quietened the wounds, but it seems that they haven't. I don't think I'm ready to apologize to Kelley, but she could definitely turn down the volume on her use of "fuck" - it's really quite tiresome.
Fuckity fuck no, Kelly rules, especially as it seems she has put Marc on the defensive.
Hasn't shortened his posts in anyway though- ( Hey, is it be mean to marc day? even petero just outed him)
Well gal, at least I took the heat of you and your cosmetics fetish!
You guys are too much fun. blackpetero turned me onto Kelley's blog, which totally rocks as everyone knows and is now one of my daily reads.
I work in Manhattan, which as far as I can tell induces the use of the word 'fuck' as part of the geography. It's quite possible that the Native Americans living here before the Europeans came actually invented the word. Probably right after they traded their home away for practically nothing. Maybe they knew that global warming was going to submerge it in a couple hundred years.
Come on guys, have a bit of taste! "Fuck" has a context, generally when you are really pissed off, when you're really angry. It's a verbal word, not a literary word. So it sounds funnier than it reads. When you read it, you have to use your imagination to make it as funny. And somehow, at least for me, blogs don't have the power of literature, so my imagination doesn't go as wild as I guess it would need to for me to fall on my knees laughing when reading Kelley's blog. Australians are fond of whining and putting others down, but when it comes to really putting themselves on the line, they don't do it. If you're going to start using flowery language in literature, you had better fucking be putting yourself on the line and not just trying to be fucking funny.
And I'll be fucked if I read Kelley's blog again. Fucking Australians. I hate the whole fucking last one of you.
Chill out Marc, it's just a blog dear.
love ya,
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