Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Life has become busy. Work is filling my brain. I tried to work on my guitar yesterday only to run into a engineering problem I am not able to solve yet. It rained on my walk today, actually it poured down on me. But, you know what, I'm not miserable. I am doing some technical work that brings joy to my life. I am listening to an excellent book, Shantaram, by Gregory David Roberts. Humphrey Bower who reads the book is brilliant. He does every accent perfectly (except the love interest, her voice is a bit lame). Thank you dear blacksisterinlawo for the recommendation. I am shamed that it took me so long to get to it, there I was stuck in the boring, boring History of the World, Revised. Do yourselves a favor and give this a listen. Its worth the 18 hours.

So life is not too bad. I can still remember the vacation in the UK and the smell of the Northern California air. I am at my goal weight, even though I have not been going to WeightWatchers. I have been walking to work so I've been reducing my carbon footprint. Now all I need do is start meditating, stop threatening the kids and ignore the world's financial collapse and maybe I will actually become happy. Fat chance.


John Deuel said...

"Fat Chance"? I'll hope anyway.

oliviao said...

So glad you are enjoying "Shantaram". I think the narrator is magnificent and the book so interesting. Enjoy, enjoy - I think its 25 hours??