Thursday, May 22, 2008


To be honest I don't really have anything specific to rant about today, but anything is better than writing performance reviews. Its that time of year, where all managers get punished for not being smart enough to choose a purely technical career. Performance reviews are what you get to spend your days doing when you finally get to hell (actually in hell you have to do them at a desk in the middle of the water park at Shevaim in July). But, even amidst the mist of performance review purgatory, the 80%ness of it all shines through.

Firstly, the season finale of both Bones and House were weaker than I would have hoped. So Zack, the squintest of all squints turns out after three seasons to be a murdering cannibal. And Thirteen, the hottest AC/DC doctor alive now has Huntingtons. Really. Less importantly, our Prime Minister seems to have take a cash money bribe, and is too busy to give a statement to the police. He joins a long line of Pillar of the Community politicians we can look up to here in Israel, and will soon take his place in history alongside the sexual harassing President and a Finance Minister indicted for breach of trust, money laundering, theft and fraud.

On top of it all, today is Lag BaOmer. The day that Israel goes crazier than usual and burns all the wood in the country. We have very few trees here in this desert we call home. All the wood we need is imported from various depleted rain forests around the world. Once a year, we encourage all our children to rob building sites and steal anything that can burn, then set about maximizing our carbon footprint by lighting bonfires on every available patch of land. Everything that can light is burned. The air gets full of soot. No one sleeps because teenagers spend the night screaming at each other over the flames of burning Vodka bottles. The supermarket trolleys that are stolen to move the giant piles of wood lifted from building sites are left standing charred in fire's ashes like the buildings of Hiroshima. The hospitals are filled with Darwin Award candidates with varying degrees of body burns.

All in all a fun time for all. Writing performance reviews suddenly doesn't seem so bad after all.

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