Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Lost Dog and Found

What a story. We lost Roxy this afternoon. Someone (no one here admits to it) left the gate open and when the girl came home from the army around 1pm, no dog. Panic. Panic and more panic. The whole family was enlisted they walked the streets, drove the area, called and whistled, but no Roxy . I had meetings till 3pm and came home straight after and treked the streets putting up lost dog fliers everywhere. Dozens of them. We were frantic. She had her pink collar but had bitten off the little thing that had our cell number, so there was no real way anyone could get hold of us if she was found. We called the city, bwo went to visit the pound. I walked for hours in the heat asking everyone I met if they had seen her. I got lots of advice - this is Israel after all, but no dog. "You have to walk around and ask people", I was told. "You need to call all the vets". "Go to where she was found". "Forget it, she must have been stolen". "You shouldn't have left the gate open" etc. etc.

At around 6pm bwo got a call. Someone had perhaps seen her at Makom Balev (a restaurant on the other side of Raanana). So bwo shot over and yes it was our Roxy. Joy, we have her back.

Now here is the story. While walking around looking for her, one of the nephews happened to ask a construction worker if he had seen a little black dog. He hadn't. But while he was walking through the park on the corner of Shai Agnon and Pardes Meshutaf (quite far), he saw a little lost black dog and remembered someone had mentioned losing her. So he picked her up and took her to Makom Balev. No one knew who she belonged to, but she is friendly and playful, so they fed her sausages. Now it just so happens that bwo's Tarot teacher's son works at Makom BaLev. He also lives in a building at the bottom of our street. On his way home from work after his shift he noticed one of the fliers we had put up outside the house. He called the number, recognized bwo's voice and the rest is history.

I don't know that we are cut out for this level of responsibility.

1 comment:

oliviao said...

I guess I was right!!