Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy 2014

A Hamsa by Jo

This is not good. It's New Year's Eve and a holiday tomorrow, and we are all not 100%. Bwo has a bad back, I have stones, and Roxy tore one of her back nails off, and limping about unhappily. I was planning a nice walk in the country tomorrow, but I'm afraid it's not to be. We will spend another holiday stuck in front of Netflix. I asked bso for some recommendations, as he is into foreign films. He recommended "Old Boy" a South Korean thriller. My God, it was horrifying, violent, quite sick, but "very well made".

Anyway, because it's 31 December today, it's time to look back on 2013. Not a bad year for us. We moved to the UK for a while. I took on more work, walked a lot, saw a lot of the countryside. I also spent way too much time in airports and airplanes. It was a year where our kids had to be more independent, which I'm proud to say, they managed well. Bwo also had a good and quiet year. We got to see my family in the USA with my mom's 90th as well some of the USA and SA family at the Goldsmith 50th anniversary and on their visits to the UK. It has been a peaceful time for us, a good year. I hope 2014 goes as well.

All that is left is to wish everyone a successful, healthy and peaceful 2014. May it be filled with joy and laughter and good things.

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