Monday, November 30, 2009

Jenya II

I have written before of Jenya the cleaning lady at squint central. She is seriously Russian and quite odd. She has been working to improve the interior decoration in the office slowly and surely. This is what our coffee table looks like this week. Takes one back to the wilds of Africa, it does.

We have had our ups and downs with Jenya. She got more miserable than usual a few weeks back when we had our (more or less) monthly BBQ. The boys left quite a mess and she grumbled and muttered all afternoon under her breath - "Izz nott a restauranttt, iz ooffice". Remember she only speaks Russian and a sort of Brezhnev era, Soviet spy English. Then she decided that the garbage room downstairs is too smelly and taking the bags out there makes her feel seeeek (imagine mimed finger down throat upchuck). She went on strike for a few days, but after some groveling on our behalf she is back. We have gotten used to her brand of chaos and couldn't figure out where her replacement hid the bowls.

As soon as she got back to work she got stuck into our engineering lounge. And this is the result (this is only one of the walls).

Please take careful note of the bits of plant artistically protruding from the top of the picture (signifies man's inhumanity to man). Also pay attention to the wonderful self portrait around the round metal air intake cover. I asked her if I could take a picture of her alongside her portrait, but she refused - I think she did not want anything to detract from her art. Nothing 80% about Jenya.

1 comment:

mart said...

That is hysterical. "Just because she IS a character doesn't mean she HAS character!!"

Are those bottles of Scotch, Irish and bourbon part of the perks at squint central? If so, how do I sign on?