Saturday, March 8, 2008


I have recently noticed a new phenomenon. I call it spellingcheckitis. In the old days it was easy to recognize nonnative English speakers by the multiple spelling mistakes in their writing. Well, spelling checkers have gone and changed the whole identification process. Now the only time you find real spelling mistakes is when someone is too lazy to check their work or they are using their cell phone. Instead we are now flooded with emails that while spelled correctly, use the completely wrong word or grammar.

I am tired of seeing "bye the way", have instead of had and wear in place of where. Pre ubiquitous spellchecker days it was easy to get what people were trying to say. Now, because of the aggressive way that spellcheckers correct your writing, I often need to read something multiple time to understand what is meant. And I have not even begun to go off about chatspeak, what with C U, LOL and BTW. WTF!!!

Go and mess with your own language!

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