Monday, March 10, 2008

Free The Electrons

Look closely at the picture. You think its simply the underside of a Pentium III processor, but look very carefully and you see it. Its a concentration camp. Look at the little dormitories and the guard houses, there, you can see the perimeter fence patrolled by vicious rottweilers. There is even a sparsely forested wood on the outside with snow covered trees. Its terrible. All day and night hard working electrons are being persecuted, I tell you. Let them free!!! Toiling all day tirelessly, calculating, adding doing direct mode operations. Its inhuman!!! They have no future, no joy, 700 million times a second answers are demanded. I bet there is even an "Arbeit Macht Frei" sign over the entrance.

1 comment:

oliviao said...

I was just rereading some of the bolgs - I'm obviously bored, right? Well, this one is BY FAR my favorite!! Not quite sure why, but it gets me laughing helplessly!