Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Night Symphony

What is it with car alarms. Every night I am subjected to a veritable cacophony of sound. The weather has warmed up a bit and so we sleep with open windows. All night long when the local cats and dogs are not wailing, all you hear is the sound of various alarms. Who actually pays attention to these. They have become background noise to our lives. Even the leasing companies that we use at work have realized that noisy alarms do nothing - no one pays any attention. All the current cars have codes and various forms of immobilizer hardware, so happily no more running out in our pajamas with the remote to shoo away the cat that triggered an alarm.

But still, all night long we are subjected to the noise pollution. Surely people realize this is just useless. It rarely storms here but every loud clap of thunder is followed by a chorus of car alarms. Every Saturday afternoon, just as I teeter on the edge of a drool inducing nap, I realize something is bothering me. Yep, the annoying klaxon of one the neigbours alarms destroying the peace. The Friday night/Saturday afternoon symphony is particularly irritating because they are usually ceaseless. We have a lot of religious people around us and you know you can't turn off an alarm on the Sabbath - thats work, and its the day of rest.

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