Friday, September 20, 2013

Happy happy

What can I say. I am a lucky man. I have a wonderful family. I got to thinking recently just how fortunate I am to have a big brother. And believe me, if you are going to have a big brother, you really could not do better than mine. I wonder if he realizes just how much the whole family rests on his broad shoulders. He is the very definition of "a pillar". One thing that always fascinates me was just how down right smart he is, yet without any real formal education outside Grey High School. He is the one we all go to for advice and the big life decisions. There really is so much more to say, but it is hard without it sounding corny and sappy. Most importantly I know that no matter what happens to me and mine, our family will always be there. This gives me strength daily.

I have been thinking about this for a while. It was his birthday on the 18th. I know he is probably the hardest person to buy presents for, as my wonderful s-i-l always complains. But he now has both his kids close at hand and both doing very well (check this out - I have to say that it just about makes me explode with pride). He has his seven grandchildren to tire him out. Our mom is doing well. So he is well gifted in love and respect.

Happy birthday brother. You are an inspiration to us all. Just try a bit less grumpy, OK.


arnieo said...

My gosh - the gag reflex is overpowering!! thanks for the kind words - indeed we are blessed to have such a fine family

arnieo said...

My gosh - the gag reflex is overpowering!! thanks for the kind words - indeed we are blessed to have such a fine family