Monday, June 16, 2008


This morning while on my walk I heard a great piece of advice. I am currently listening to the "The Last Lecture" by Randy Pausch" (the YouTube lecture here is seriously worth watching). The advice he gives to his young daughter, which I think blackdaughtero should hear and digest is: when dealing with potential partners, "ignore what they say and closely watch what they do".

Blackdaughero already knows I think all young boys are fools. I know as I have personal experience.


Anonymous said...

And when will you tell her all men are idiots?

blackpetero said...

There is still time for that. We began with "all boys are fools", then "all men are idiots", and finally "all husbands are useless". There's a pattern, you see.

Jozie said...

That is soooo funny, and how true- blackhusbando. But I love you anyway.

oliviao said...

Why do you think I have been happily married to your brother (he with the sharp tongue!) for the last 35+ years??I believe in the old cliche - actions really do speak louder than words!